Christmas Rewards 2021

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Enjoy reports and papers we’ve independently commissioned over the years…

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Employee Motivation
This report explores whether UK employees are motivated at work. It looks at the emotions employees feel towards their jobs and discovers what employees believe to be the most motivating factors at work.

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What’s Killing UK Productivity?
Find out what’s impacting productivity in the UK workforce. Our research highlighted some interesting facts. Did you know that engaged employees are more likely to be late for work, do personal tasks, check social media and work from home?

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The Rewards Report
Do you want to know whether rewards engage and motivate your employees? Need to find out what form of recognition your employees want and what rewards have the biggest impact in the workplace? Then this is the report for you!

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Motivation Report
Discover what motivated UK employees in the workplace in 2017. Gain unique insights into what inspires your employees and how to use these insights to motivate them. Use our helpful checklist to guide you through your motivational programme.

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Productivity in the Workplace
Since productivity levels took a nosedive in 2009, the UK has struggled to recover at the same growth rate it was previously achieving. Are businesses missing the ‘smaller tasks’ issues and not realising the big impact these are having on the output of their employees.

Case studies